Leila is the author of Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom. In addition to her own blog, she is a contributor to Catholic Answers Magazine Online. Leila and her husband have eight children and several grandchildren.
Endorsed by His Excellency Athanasius Schneider
The message of the culture is clear: When things get really bad in a marriage, the best, and even only, thing to do is to divorce and "move on." The message of the contemporary Church is not much different, although Catholics (both ordained and lay) might advise annulment after the civil divorce and before the "moving on." The 65 stories in this book tell of a different way: A way of Christlike faithfulness and solemn commitment to one's sacred promises--something that was common (or at least considered honorable and right) in eras past, but which seems forgotten today. If the world is telling you (or if you are telling friends and family) to walk away from a marriage, read this book first. As a requested follow-up to the remarkable Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak, this book will supply the hope, motivation, and tools needed to keep a marriage and family intact and on the road to true redemption. The first section of this book contains 50 stories of disaster marriages redeemed, and the second, smaller section contains 15 stories of “standers”—those wives or husbands who have chosen to stand for their marriage vows despite complete abandonment by their spouses. These are the witnesses rarely seen today, but most desperately needed. This book will remind you that marriage vows mean something.
Endorsed by His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah and Phoenix Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted
In Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak, seventy now-adult children of divorce give their candid and often heart-wrenching answers to eight questions (arranged in eight chapters, by question), including: What were the main effects of your parents' divorce on your life? What do you say to those who claim that "children are resilient" and "children are happy when their parents are happy"? What would you like to tell your parents then and now? What do you want adults in our culture to know about divorce? What role has your faith played in your healing?
Their simple and poignant responses are difficult to read and yet not without hope. Most of the contributors--women and men, young and old, single and married--have never spoken of the pain and consequences of their parents' divorce until now. They have often never been asked, and they believe that no one really wants to know. Despite vastly different circumstances and details, the similarities in their testimonies are striking; as the reader will discover, the death of a child's family impacts the human heart in universal ways.
Though highly unusual for a Vatican Cardinal to publicly endorse a self-published book by a relative unknown, Cardinal Sarah had this to say about Primal Loss:
”Your writing on this subject is both timely and urgent. How necessary it is to support and defend the beauty of the Christian family as revealed to us by God from the very first pages of Sacred Scripture! In front of the growing attacks against the family, studies such as your own show the damaging and enduring consequences of a world vision, which denies the value of sacrifice and giving one’s life to the end for the other. I will certainly do what I can to promote Primal Loss.”
Endorsed by His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah
*Now available as an audiobook!
Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today's Tough Moral Issues, a collaboration with bestselling author Trent Horn of Catholic Answers, has sold tens of thousands of copies since its release—and for good reason. There is nothing out there like it.
From the publisher’s description:
A generation ago, Christian parents didn't have to worry about how to explain transgenderism to their nine-year-old, or help their teenager deal with mockery at school for believing in traditional marriage.
But today, as our culture's moral center continues to fly apart and with every form of deviance publicly aired and celebrated, we have no choice but to equip our kids to understand and to own the truth about such issues.
It's not easy, though—these are sensitive questions, and with the wrong approach we can harm our kids' innocence even as we try to preserve it.
In Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today's Tough Moral Issues, Leila Miller and Trent Horn give parents (guardians and teachers, too!) crucial tools and techniques to form children with the understanding they need—appropriate to their age and maturity level—to meet the world's challenges.
Their secret lies in an approach that begins not with the Bible or Church teaching but with the natural law. In kid-friendly ways, Miller and Horn help you communicate how the right way to live is rooted in the way we're made. God's design for human nature is a blueprint or owner's manual for moral living that any child can grasp through reason and apply to modern controversies over sex, marriage, life... and the quest for human fulfillment.
Topics covered include:
• Sex Outside of Marriage
• Same-Sex "Marriage"
• Divorce
• Contraception
• Abortion
• Reproductive Technologies
• Modesty
• Pornography
• Transgenderism
• Homosexuality
Newly released second edition, from Holy Heroes!
Anxiety among Catholic mothers is sky high. How do we teach our sons to be chaste when a sex-obsessed culture is ready to drag our boys into the pit at every turn? All we want to do is protect the innocence of our little ones and the honor of our teens, yet the snares of ubiquitous porn, hook-up sex, LGBT ideology, and the devaluing of true manhood appear unavoidable. What’s a mother to do?
Relax, grab your beverage of choice, and flip open Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom. In this little heart-to-heart between us girls (although the guys can listen in, too) Leila Miller will take your hand and calm your fears by giving you practical advice in simple terms, based on her 27 years of experience in raising eight children, six of them sons. Some of the serious topics addressed with good humor and no fear include:
• Three basic rules for parenting
• What to do when boys are little
• Answering the culture’s accusations
• Straight talk about masturbation
• Navigating pop culture
• What to do when things go wrong
• Advice from chaste young men themselves
...and much more, all of it designed to bring your worried heart some peace by giving you a plan of action and the power tools to pull it off. So, trust God and dive in! You’ve got good men to raise, and the world needs them!
Forewords by Jason Evert and Fr. Dwight Longenecker, with a final, bonus chapter by Professor Anthony Esolen.